Attappady Black Goat

Attappadi Black Goat

A pilot study on the Black goats of the Tribals of Attappady in the 80s led to a project funded by to the ICAR. As a result of the study and characterisation, these goats got recognised as a breed by NBAGR – National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources with identification No. INDIA_ GOAT_ 0900_ATTAPADYBLACK_06001 ( Further studies made by the Vechur Conservation Trust formed later have given some important alerts. This has been included in the project report to FAO. The project started with the intention of conservation of Attappady Black Goats with the community partnership. The subsequent FAO project revealed that Attappady goats are undergoing deterioration in breed purity.

We pointed out the necessity to have a good selection for body weight. This was based on the observation that in the last 15 years, there has been a sizable reduction in body measurement. The meat analysis of the Attappady goats showed that there are some unique qualities for these grass-fed free-ranging goats and this quality should be exploited for human welfare. We have pointed out the need for preventing the migration of other breeds to the grazing areas of Attappady black goats to prevent the dilution of the breed. We have observed the purity of Attappady goats getting slowly diluted.

Breeding bucks were distributed to farmers by the Vechur Conservation Trust replacing crossbred bucks or providing breeding buck to a flock without male. The distribution of breeding bucks for regression of the population to the original black breed was an eye-opener to many. This was a part of the training and to demonstrate the need for buck selection. But the most important advantage of the work in the Black goats was the awareness about these goats of the tribals and the meat quality. Now many units have started in other areas. Some units religiously follow the identification of animals including microchipping. 
