The valuable Vechur Germplasm was saved for future. The Vechur and Kasargod breeds now provide a viable, sustainable resource of secure food directly and indirectly through organic Agriculture to human and fertility to soil. Also, it provides the raw material for scientific studies for human welfare.
Awareness programmes resulted in better understanding and popularity of the cow. People reared them for more than a quarter century happily as they found it sustainable. Vechur population increased from 41 to approximately more than 6000.
The food security and safety in the household increased due to highly nutritional organic milk with A2 βcasein, arginine and low-fat globule size.
The changeover, from agriculture using chemical fertilizers and pesticides to organic using dung and urine was lifesaving. Also, less expensive. The use of dung and urine in agriculture could replace use of chemical fertilizers and poisonous pesticides. The high microbial content in dung made the soil fertile yield increased. This has at most importance in human and animal health.
Milk produced in households is generally consumed there. The nutritious milk is very suitable for growing children and others. The homemade curd and buttermilk avoids the outside purchase. Ghee believed to be highly medicinal is good for the family and it fetches high price like Rs3000 per Kg.
Depicting the experiences of people about the medicinal value of milk, ghee and urine made many others start using the products for treatment. Farmers started making value added products. Medicines are prepared and used.
The heat tolerance, resistance to F&M disease, parasitic worms made the cow reduced the medicine use. Longer productive life also increased sustainability. The demand for the cow increased and now available in many other States.
Vechur rearing is easy and of low cost. So, people of all economic strata including vulnerable communities can rear them. The low/nil incidence of disease reduces the expenditure. People going out for other work also can manage these cows as they can withstand the hot sun and rain.
The feedbacks of medicinal effect of GOMU (Distilled Urine) and Vechur Ghee was very encouraging. Ghee is said to be reducing LDL and liver problems. The Effect of GOMU in cases of eczema, psoriasis and dandruff are said to be positive. More research is needed to confirm these feedbacks.
Sale of animal or milk or any value added product adds to the income of the family and there is scope to take up Vechurand Kasargod rearing as a livelihood means with 8-10 animals. The cow contributes to food security and economic security. For some families this cow is a pet and children grow up in good relationship with nature, thus, ensuring the physical and mental health.
Starting education on conservation at school and College level is equally or more effective in creating awareness and initiating action related to conservation.