Kasargod cattle
Kasargod Cattle

Next was Kasargod cattle. The research project financed by ICAR for Vechur and Kasaragod were for developing nucleus stock, survey, and characterization. The Trust now has a germplasm centre for Vechur cattle and plans to expand to other species.
The conservation of Kasargod cattle started within a year after the Vechur cattle conservation began. Kasargod, the northern border district of Kerala had native cows that existed without even a name. They were just non-descript cattle and nothing more. Along with the conservation of Vechur cattle my project took up conservation of Kasaragod cattle also. Now Kasaragod cattle have become very popular in Kerala. These animals are surviving due to the conservation efforts and the participation of the farmers. A portion of the farmers needs small cows which will thrive without sophisticated management. As in the case of Vechur, many farmers left crossbred cow rearing as they could not afford this kind of management and the high incidence of disease peculiar to the humid coastal state. They are finding Vechur and Kasargod more sustainable. Research Work has been conducted an a comprehensive breed descriptor has been developed.